

"willem" {elsie first called will "willem" and now it has stuck as one of his nicknames}, just keeps on growing.

he's been crawling on all fours for a month or so. he pulls himself up along furniture and is starting to walk along them. he still loves his rice cereal. he loves to smile all the time and is the cutest when he smiles through his bink. he loves to jabber and make noises. he has big brown eyes. no teeth yet. loves to eat real people food. generally is a good sleeper at night. loves to walk with someone holding his hands. takes 2 naps a day if we're home {4th child problem}. he thinks he's just as big as the other kids. he's very easy going and loves to be toted around wherever as long as he can see what's going on. loves to play in the water, in his tubbies and at the pool. he's fast and into everything.

here's how his stats for his 9 mo well check went.

weight {19 lbs 9 oz - 40%}
length {30 1/4" - 95%}
head {17 1/2 - 15%}

we love our "willem"!

~ i was curious and looked back
to see  how big connor was at 9 months
and it is kinda crazy!

connor @ 9 months
{19 lbs 8 oz}
{29 3/4"}

2 boys from the same mold for sure!


  1. Willum is one cute boy! We will keep him and his happy smile!!

  2. How neat to see the series of monthly photos! What a handsome lil' fella he is.
