
fun at the fair.

the county fair is something that we always look forward to in august. this year was especially fun because connor tried mutton bustin for the first time. cory did it when he was young and so naturally if dad has done it, connor wants to give it a try. we've never planned far enough in advance to sign him up for it, but this year he did it at the jr rodeo. it was so fun to watch him be so excited and a little nervous too! he fell off shortly after the gate opened, but he still thought it was soo fun!

the kids always love the jumping dogs! 
i love that connor is still in his get up too!

we also got to ride an elephant! the kids were cute about it. afterwards when cory asked them what there favorite ride was, all three of them, independently of each other, responded that the free pony rides were their favorite...go figure!! well, at least it was a highlight for me! the summer i turned 18 i took a 3 week trip to asia. for one week we worked in orphanages in thailand. we also toured bangkok and puket. then another week in hong kong. so for my 18th birthday, while we were there, i wanted to ride an elephant! the day of my birthday though, i can't remember where we were, we weren't anywhere where you can ride them...what a bummer. 

and so after 15 years i finally got to ride an elephant for my birthday...just 2 days early. plus 3 of the kids got to ride it with me, makes it even sweeter!  

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