
a fishing adventure.

as august quickly came and is now nearly halfway over, we asked the kids what things they have wanted to do this summer but hadn't done yet. the first thing that came out of connor's mouth was fishing! so after a little planning with grandpa, we ventured off on early saturday morning. we headed up to trial lake on mirror lake highway. the scenery up there was beautiful. the fishing was great, everyone caught at least one fish. we even saw a bald eagle swoop down and take a fish from the lake. gotta love those birds of prey!

panorama of our spot, don't let this pic fool you, 
there were tons and tons of people up there.

we brought a fish tank along so we could put some in and the kids could see them swim up close. we filled the tank twice. brought a few home, but let most of them go.

stopped at the upper provo river falls.

water is so powerful! it makes me a little uneasy being so close to it. i can't imagine what niagara falls would be like. 

gpa with the older fishermen. 

1 comment:

  1. I think the fish tank was such a cool idea! Looks like a great day!
