
to kindergarten she goes.

i have a lot of mixed feelings as i sit and write this. i'm so excited for my beautiful girl to finally have her turn to ride the bus. i'm excited for all that she'll learn. i'm excited for the new friends she'll make. i'm excited for my miss mae. but a part of my heart was hurting as i watched her get on the bus. she quickly found a spot on the side i asked her to so i could take pics of her and watch her for just a little bit longer. her smile said it all, she was sooo excited and sooo ready. i saw a little nervousness in there too. but so much excitement. i tried to keep it together as she waved at me. oh so precious. i cried as the bus drove away. and then before i knew it, it was time for her to come home! such a fun adventure begins for both of us!

oh how i love miss mae! she is such a light in our family. she is the little mama of the home. she is such a great helper. oh how we will miss her while she's away, but can't wait for all the experiences she'll have.

1 comment:

  1. Mabel looks so beautiful! How exciting for her start this new adventure of school, she's going to do great.
