
the yellow hornets.

last fall and this spring, connor has played on an ayso soccer team. the boys named themselves the yellow hornets. their jerseys were a beautiful shade of pastel yellow...very manly. :) he had lots of fun playing and is getting better and better at soccer. he loved playing with friends, making new friends and being on a team. 

{go yellow hornets!}


after school fun.

one afternoon a while ago, we tried to see how high connor could jump! it was pretty hilarious! 

our preschool grad.

it's true. our mae mae has graduated from preschool! oh how fast the time goes. but, she is so, so ready for kindergarten. though she is ready, i'm not sure that i am! she has grown up so much in the last few months, which has been so exciting and fun. but, oh, my girl, i love you and want you to stay 5 forever!

she did an amazing job on her preschool program today. 
knew every word!

her amazing teachers ms. chris and ms. ann

once again, these girls are the cutest! 
so fun to be in preschool together!

our dancin' chicken.

last saturday mabel had her year end dance recital. she was so excited that her recital day had finally come. she was the cutest dancing chicken you've ever seen! it has been so fun to see her find something that she loves to do, work so hard at it, and then enjoy the spotlight.

it was a special night for her and our family. 
thanks to all who came!!

getting ready to perform.

the thing that made it the most special night, was that she got to share it with bella, her very best friend! how fun it is to have a cousin so close and share so many fun moments with! such beautiful girls if i do say so myself!

after the performance! such a beauty.

the whole gang 
{minus sara & anna, the photographers and tiff & joe had to leave a little early}

elsie refused to look at the camera...

don't worry else, you're time to shine will come soon enough...

most of the photo cred goes to anna. 
thanks for being will to take so many for us! {and then email them to me} ;) 


mother's day.

the kids and cory spoiled me this year for mother's day. they made me feel so special and loved. they gave me such sweet cards and pictures. cory also added some molding to a wall in our entryway that i love. always have to have a project for my worker men! ;)

i'm so grateful to be a mother. it is definitely the hardest and most fulfilling thing i've ever done. what special and beautiful children have been blessed to come to our family. they bring me and cory so much joy. their cute, individual personalities are so precious and add so much to the spirit in our home. it brings me so much joy seeing them do things they love and work hard at. connor with his sports and mabel with her dancing and tumbling. elsie is a hoot and always making us smile and laugh. will is a complete joy and a delight. he is always happy and smiling and loves to just be able to see what's going on.

i'm also grateful to be a daughter, sister, and wife. i'm surrounded by wonderful, amazing women in my life, who are amazing examples that teach me so much. thank you. i feel very blessed.


our six month-er.

here's our updated monthly pic of will. gosh. he just keeps getting bigger and more mobile every month! he continues to be such a delight and a happy baby. we've started him on cereal and some baby foods. overall, i think he's a fan, just still getting used to it. he continues to roll everywhere and has started to sit up if he has his hands out in front to act as kind of a tripod. he loves to talk and squeal. loves to smile. has ticklish feet. loves to laugh. we've been trying to figure out his sleeping schedule as of late. not the funnest thing in the world. just ask cory who's slept on the couch with him almost every night for 3 weeks. but he had a great night last night, so, finger's crossed, this pattern continues!

we love this sweet boy!

here's how he stacks up...

14 lbs 13 oz {10%}
27 1/2 " {85%}
16 1/2 " head {10%}

so i guess, to sum things up...
he's long and lean, just like connor.