
our six month-er.

here's our updated monthly pic of will. gosh. he just keeps getting bigger and more mobile every month! he continues to be such a delight and a happy baby. we've started him on cereal and some baby foods. overall, i think he's a fan, just still getting used to it. he continues to roll everywhere and has started to sit up if he has his hands out in front to act as kind of a tripod. he loves to talk and squeal. loves to smile. has ticklish feet. loves to laugh. we've been trying to figure out his sleeping schedule as of late. not the funnest thing in the world. just ask cory who's slept on the couch with him almost every night for 3 weeks. but he had a great night last night, so, finger's crossed, this pattern continues!

we love this sweet boy!

here's how he stacks up...

14 lbs 13 oz {10%}
27 1/2 " {85%}
16 1/2 " head {10%}

so i guess, to sum things up...
he's long and lean, just like connor.

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