
my girls.

elsie had gotten pretty upset about who knows what a few nights ago. she was pretty much hysterical and couldn't communicate what she wanted/needed. sadly, my patience seems to run out by 8 o'clock  these days and i wasn't getting anyway with her as far as settling her down. the only thing that calmed her down was laying with her mae mae. after she laid in the bed with mabel, she calmed right down. 10 min or so later, i went to check on my sweet girls and this is what i found.  

it probably will get interesting in the teenage years down the road, but i hope that they always close as sissy's and friends.

mabel is such a beautiful, happy girl. she's the best helper around the house, she loves to organize. she loves to dance and tumble. i love to watch the daily shows she puts on for me. and beautiful elsie with more personality in her little finger than many people have, always keeps us laughing! she has a unique deep voice that i always love to hear. she loves to play and is quite the helper around the house also.

such sweet, beautiful girls i have.
love them!

1 comment:

  1. Love this entry!! They are such sweet girls!!! We love them too!!!
