
Christmas treasures

The things that Connor brings {or wears} home
from preschool are absolutely precious!

{Cowboy Connor}

This was our present from Connor that he did at school!
How cute is that!

{handmade ornaments}

Our tree this year is adorned with these precious ornaments from school.
I'll have to say that I've never been a big fan
of putting the school projects on the decorated tree.
But I'm now a believer. Connor is so proud of himself to put these on the tree!
Besides, I think it makes the tree look so cozy and fun!

{notice the very straight lines of candies}

I volunteered the day they did this project,
it was so fun and cute to see Connor in his element!
All the kids were so different and so cute at the same time!

{Rudolph the Red-nosed Connor}

Connor after school one day last week

{not to be outdone by her brother}

Mabel made sure, by screaming "mine",
that I take a picture of her masterpiece from nursery

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