
Ooo Ooo's owie

As you can see, Ooo Ooo got an owie like Connor.
Poor Ooo Ooo and Connor each have 5 stitches.
Ooo Ooo helped Connor learn how the nurse was going to take the stitches out.
We {Connor, mostly} instructed Ooo Ooo to hold really still and not move,
while Connor pulled the stitches out with tweezers.

Did it work, you ask? I think so.
Connor held pretty still and didn't fuss too much as the nurse took his out.
Much easier than putting those suckers in!!

We celebrated the success by going out for promised fruit drinks.

{Connor making some sign on his forehead}

{our brave boy}

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! You guys are so smart and creative!
