
the year of the horse.

happy chinese new year!! this year is the year of the horse. we had a really fun fireworks on friday and then went down to salt lake to j wongs for a yummy dinner followed by traditional lion dance. i took lots of pics, but the lighting wasn't great, and i was kind of disappointed. but true to form, just as we got to the car, elsie had to go to the bathroom. so after we walked back to the restaurant and did our business, the group of people who came to do the lion dance were outside. so we got to talk to them and the kids got to see the lion's head up close. it was pretty cool! there is lots of symbolism in the dance and in the lion's head. there is a round mirror between the eyes to scare away evil spirits as they see their reflection. the black fir around the eyes means it is a young lion and also shows through his wild, energy-filled dancing {those poor dancers ~ that is hard work!} red stands for courage. at the first of the dance the body of the lion wakes up and shakes wildly to get the evil off. you feed the lion red envelopes filled with money for good luck. at the end, the lion eats the lettuce and then throws it around and if you get hit by the lettuce, it's extra good luck and good fortune. we've decided we want the lettuce to land on us next year! 

building the tower with the snow from the snow fort. they cut the fort up and it had some pretty good chucks to stack on top of each other.

our tallest "frosty," "totem pole" yet. 
it was probably 8-9 feet tall.

the boys lighting the sparklers.

happy chinese new year!!

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