
eagle day 2014.

we love going to eagle day each year. i hope the kids never tire of admiring the beautiful creatures/world around us. this year grandpa packer came with us. it's always fun when he joins us on our adventures! there weren't very many eagles because they aren't leaving out the dead carp for them to eat. they are worried about the sickness that's been showing up throughout the state with the bald eagles. we did see a handful or so. no pheasants this time, but we did see quite a few pelicans fly over.

it was a bit dangerous out here! 
{snow and ice + rain = one slippery mess}
i don't think i've ever walked on ice so slippery!!

feeling the animal pelts.

making animal footprints with grandpa.

checking out a barn owl pellet.

one of the few eagles we saw. {it's the black dot on the ice}

2 birds were brought in for the morning. 
this great-horned owl and a red-tailed hawk. 
they are such beautiful creatures!!

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