
our owl babies.

anna gave us a sweet gift last night. a book entitled, "owl babies." the cover looks very much like this first photo. we continue to follow and document our "owl babies". we see them every other day or so. sometimes 2 days in a row if we're lucky. we usually see any number of the 3 babies and the dad. the mom hasn't been seen for a couple weeks now, but we found her this morning. one of the first things the kids do every morning is go and check to see if we have any owls and how many there are. 

i'll have to check, but i think we've seen them for almost 5 weeks now. it's been a highlight of the summer for sure. we've collected feathers and have even checked out their pellets. we haven't had the magpie problem (lots of squawking and obnoxiousness) that we'd had all spring, to which we credit to the owls. the robins don't like them at all. the robins will come and try and squawk to get the owls to leave, but the they aren't bothered and the robins eventually give up and leave after a few minutes. 

we think it's pretty amazing and have invited many family members and friends over to see them. 

i think we'll call it "the summer of the owls."

the last 2: photo cred goes to my uncle dave

1 comment:

  1. It has been so fun to come see them, thanks for sharing them!! Such beautiful birds!
