
...mini cheerleaders...

a few weeks ago, mabel and elsie went to a mini cheer camp at the local charter school. they totally loved it! originally we thought that we'd just put mabel in it, thinking that elsie was too small and it'd be cheaper. well, to say elsie was crushed when the morning came for mabel to go would be a major understatement. she was devastated! it pretty much cut me to the core listening to her tell me in her cute, deep voice, "but my a big girl..." it was one of the saddest things. we've been telling her that she is such a big girl since she's been going on the potty, so this was too much! 

so we drove over there and signed her up the morning of! luckily they had extra t-shirts and pompoms so we could. yay!

worth. every. penny.

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