
our dancin' chicken.

last saturday mabel had her year end dance recital. she was so excited that her recital day had finally come. she was the cutest dancing chicken you've ever seen! it has been so fun to see her find something that she loves to do, work so hard at it, and then enjoy the spotlight.

it was a special night for her and our family. 
thanks to all who came!!

getting ready to perform.

the thing that made it the most special night, was that she got to share it with bella, her very best friend! how fun it is to have a cousin so close and share so many fun moments with! such beautiful girls if i do say so myself!

after the performance! such a beauty.

the whole gang 
{minus sara & anna, the photographers and tiff & joe had to leave a little early}

elsie refused to look at the camera...

don't worry else, you're time to shine will come soon enough...

most of the photo cred goes to anna. 
thanks for being will to take so many for us! {and then email them to me} ;) 

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