
welcoming will.

sweet baby will was born november 5, 2012 at 3:13pm. he was 7 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long. i still need to go back and check, but i think that is what connor weighed. that's terrible to not remember, but i don't. he was born on a monday. i was induced. we went in at 7 to get started. things moved along nicely and he was born just after 3. the big surprise was that he was a BOY!! we were totally expecting him to be a girl. 

i was worried that he'd leave the hospital without a name because we really hadn't discussed boy names {we really thought he was a girl}. but before the second night in the hospital we had his name picked out. william russell brown. william is a family name on both sides, the closest being: william smith {grandma packer's dad, will's great-great grandpa} and william knecht {grandma clark's dad, another great-great grandpa}. and then russell for the middle after my dad {russell, will's grandpa}. 

it was hard for me to feel like we could name him just after him being born. with the others, we had their names picked out before they were born. it was a process of winding down possibilities and then finally deciding on one and letting it gel for a while. i was worried that this "gelling process" would take a while because we didn't know boy or girl. but sure enough, we created a list in the hospital, winded it down, picked one and let it gel, and surprise, surprise, it worked! 

we sure do love this little guy!

getting ready to head home!

obviously, these pics are not in order. just moments after being born.

connor was my bud! all he wanted to do was just come and sit next to me.

so excited to be a family of 6! crazy.

such a proud daddy.

this cute sign was taped to will's crib when we got home. connor has been loving making signs and notes for people lately, and when after he first met will at the hospital, he went right home and made this for him. let's just say, that connor was, and still is, super excited that will is a boy!

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