
snow day!

i only remember three or so snow days when i was younger, but they were the best days ever! so when we got a call from the school district at 6am{!}, i was pretty excited for the kids. and even better, cory got a snow day from work too! 

needless to say, we had tons of fun in the snow. this year our snow creation isn't frosty, it's a huge snow fort, whose only entrance is a tunnel. as the snow kept coming and coming, the fort got bigger and bigger. cory also used ryan's snowblower to harvest snow from the neighbor's! it's a toss up who had more fun, the kids or cory! 

the snow continued on through early saturday morning, so more playing in the snow for everyone. the girls, anna and i went sledding, cory and connor went skiing, and then the whole fam {minus will}  and anna went ice skating! little known fact...{at least to me even after 9 years of marriage}...cory is a really good ice skater!! he totally smoked me. yes i was the one inching along and he was the one zips along and sprays snow on you as he stops!

snow harvesting.

a huge icicle at grandmas!

poor else was frozen by the end!

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