
Summer Fun

Soooo, apparently I'm not the greatest blogger...I like to follow them, I'm just not that great at doing one myself. Oh well, what can you do? Now I feel like I have to learn how to post something all over again...yeah.

Enough about that, I do want to be better so I can remember all the fun things that we do!

{For example} this summer we have:

gone swimming
had piggie-tails for the first time {Mabel, sorry Connor!}
gone golfing
spent a weekend in Bear Lake
gone boating
visited hot Mesquite and grandparents down south
gone on hikes
had picnics
played soccer
went to 2 parades
rode bikes
watched the Bellagio fountains
had swimming lessons
ate birthday cake
watched lots of fireworks
set off fireworks
rode a zip-line {Cory, Heidi, AND Connor}
played baseball
gone to a baseball game
gone canoeing
had 2 bdays
had lots of bbq's
picked fresh veggies from our garden
gone to the zoo
watched a home-run derby
played with friends and cousins
blew bubbles
played with grandmas & grandpas
mowed the lawn
weeded the flowers and garden
played tennis
ate lots of popsicles
just to name a few...

{It's been a pretty good summer...}

more pics of the summer fun to come...I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work Heidi...looks like the kids have done more fun things than I have this summer! Lucky!!!
