
temple passports.

this summer as part of our summer fun list we got the kids temple passports. they are a little blue book that lists all the temples in ut and has a sticker to put on each temple page when you visit that temple. we're determined to do as many as we can. some may be too far to travel in the short few weeks of summer, but we're gonna try! :) so far we've done 4. bountiful, logan, jordan river and oquirrh mountain. it's been really fun to learn a few new facts about each temple and also for the kids to visit and hopefully begin to realize how special these buildings are and how blessed we are to have so many so close to us. 

bountiful temple ~ we visited last wednesday 6.4.14 around lunch time so cory could come along during his lunch. we packed a lunch and had a picnic on the grounds. but first we went to visit grandma shirley's grave. that day marked the 5th anniversary of her passing. we sure miss her. will must miss her a lot because he face planted on her headstone and imprinted the 'a' on his forehead. poor boy. :(  

logan temple ~ connor had 2 comp baseball games in logan on saturday 6.7.14, so we drove over to the temple after the games. it was pretty crowded cause it was a saturday, but still so nice to be there. the kids loved the huge hill in front. they each rolled down, except else {she was worried it would hurt her tummy}. not too reverent, but fun for sure! we learned that the logan temple used to be painted white. 

jordan river ~ today 6.11.14 we ventured down south and west with sara and cousins. we stopped here first. we learned this angel moroni is one of 5 that carries the gold plates. it was pretty cool to see. we also liked the little strawberry plants throughout the flower beds. they were quite pretty and looked yummy! :)

oquirrh mountain ~ 6.11.14 after we visited the jordan river, we drove through mcd's, got lunch, and drove a mere 7 minutes down the road to visit another temple. south jordan is the only city in the world to have 2 temples in it. we also thought it as cool that the granite came from china.

we're excited to see what other adventures our temple passport will bring!!

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