
eight is pretty great.

oh what a day saturday was! connor's baptism day. felt lots of emotions. felt so very blessed. i have to admit, i kept it together really well until i saw connor and cory in their whites and i lost it from there on. cried through my talk. cried through the baptism. cried through the confirmation. i had to clarify with connor later that the tears were happy tears and that i was so very proud of him for his decision to be baptized and for the very good boy that he is. :) we were very blessed to have so many family and friends there to enjoy the day with. we had many come from afar and we are grateful. it was powerful to watch as connor was surrounded by such great men as he was given the gift of the Holy Ghost and was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lattery-day Saints. 3 great-grandpas, 3 grandpas, 7 uncles {missed you nate} and cory. it was very special. we are so grateful for the Christ & gospel and the joy & fullness it gives to us personally and together as a family.

{at the stake center before}

{in their whites}

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