
catching up.

thank heavens for instagram. i barely remember what i ate for lunch, let alone what we did yesterday! so here's a look into what has kept us busy since the first of the year.

remember that time when i took else to school when it was closed?!
ugghh. well, the poor girl was pretty sad 
until i bribed her with watching team umizoomi.
she recovered pretty quickly after that!

getting pretty fancy with our rainbow loom we got for christmas.

jumping at get-air for fhe.

elsie's always so proud of her school work. 
her favorite part of the day: 
"elsie being a snowman"

three year old attention span at dance...

this poor girl is so tired by the time it's thursday! 
she'll put herself to bed for a nap!

cute mabel doing her best to organize amidst the destroyer {will}.

elsie preferred the slide-down-on-her-tummy method while sledding.

will loves, loves the snow.

mabel loves to go fast!!

snuggle time on sunday afternoons. 
best part of having morning church!

our power went out one night out of the blue 
and connor worked on his shadow puppets.

elsie was as pleased as could be getting "oreo" her class pet.

one of will's newest tricks.

the girls, will and i went out to dinner while the big boys skied.

connor's first time night skiing.

we put will to work at the church cleaning.

so proud of mabel. after years of asking and her declining, 
we finally got her on a pair of skis!! and she loved it!

some more of will's tricks. finding his tongue, peek-a-boo, and clapping.

we visited the zoo and about had the place to ourselves.

grandma came over one afternoon and all the kids decided 
they needed to sit on her lap at the same time!

checking out the u.s. speed skating olympic trials.

we love to go to the go utes gymnastic meets!

cory and i snuck away for a last-minute date to the jazz game.

i love a good project and this is my latest.
re-doing a table and chair set. need to find a before shot,
but the table's legs are my favorite part.


christmas 2014.

well, we had a wonderful christmas, filled with excitement, family, new presents, good food and fun! the kids were up about 6:30 and we held them off for 15 min or so and then went down to see the loot! the kids were very pleased with their presents. nothing better than kids on christmas morning!! we enjoyed the morning at our house and then went to celebrate with family. 

we are so grateful for our Savior and for his birth.  He is truly the reason for the season.  we are also so grateful for our wonderful family and friends.  what a blessing you are to our lives.  

merry christmas 2013!!

mabel with her beloved american girl doll 
{mine when i was young}

elsie with 2 of her favorite presents 
{her own umbrella and hat & glove set}

connor asked for a "surprise" from santa...
...let me just tell you, santa delivered!!!

will was just content to be wherever and do whatever.  
we sure love this sweet boy!