
grandpa's pumpkin patch.

this year, like every year, the kids couldn't wait to go pumpkin hunting at grandpa's pumpkin patch! in the spring, all the grandkids help grandpa plant the seeds in the little trays. then, as the plants get bigger, they transplant them into the pumpkin garden. they check on them periodically during the summer to how much they've grown, but mostly to scope out the biggest ones. then comes the picking, hauling up to the house, washing, hauling to our house, and then finally selling them. it's been such a fun thing for the kids to do each year. a lot of work, but such a great experience for them. thanks to grandpa and grandma!!

before the "reeping"

just a few...we had more than 200 this year.

first of 2 trips up to the house. we used the suburban this year...
...don't know why we hadn't thought of using it before...

elsie found her perfect one.

the second trip up to the house.

the first day of selling. i never got a shot of all the pumpkins, 
but they had probably close to 100.

back at it for a second day.

third day...the pile slowly gets smaller.

the last day of selling they decided to drive around and drop a few of the pumpkins off on the porches of some of the older couples/widows in the neighborhood. such cute kiddos.

thanks for everyone who came by and supported the kids!!

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