
instagrams for february.

and another month flew by...

crazy freezing rain as depicted by the iphone.

my first time french braiding mabel's beautiful locks.
mabel was so excited!

snuggle time at night.

elsie is obsessed with bandaids and wearing jammies.
else can and will all asleep anywhere.

eagle day for the browns'.

yeah!! all 3 older kids dressed, teeth brushed by 7:39 am. 
all were ready and excited to head to mesquite.

the birthday boys celebrating at boondocks.

will and sweet thomas. born 8 weeks apart.

playtime with oma.

lazy friday morning.

connor celebrated the 100th day of going to school.

connor and cory on connor's bday.

connor and his birthday poster for school. 
designed it all by himself.

always wants to see what's going on.

launching rockets on his bday.

this was cute, connor's class each took turns 
whispering something that they like or appreciate about him.

first date in waaaaayyy too long. jazz game, 4th row!

battleship with my boy. took me back! 
one of my favorite games growing up.

our cute crab!

chinese new year @ the mandarin. will slept through the lion dance.
elsie was terrified. mabel hid under the table. and connor loved it!

tummy time!

getting ready for bed. 
reading charlotte's web and elsie warming her feet by the vent.

getting ready for church. he loves his tubbies.

oh what to do while we help cory setup for mutual. 
the girls were great sashay-ers and cheerleaders!

this is today and the first of january. 
crazy how much he has grown in 2 months!

i was craving me some homemade blueberry muffins. 

i got to help out in mabel's preschool class for their valentine's party. 
lucky me!!

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