
catching up on thanksgiving.

wow. i am a lot behind on the blogging world. i want to catch up on the precious moments that we've had the last 2 months. it's hard to believe our sweet baby will is 2 months on saturday! he's absolutely precious and has stolen our hearts like only a newborn can. saying the older kids love him is an understatement! they love, love to see, hold, kiss, hug, squeeze, tug, poke...etc, etc, etc... it was a magical holiday season having him in our home. so this and the next few posts will be my attempt at recording those moments.

so we'll start with thanksgivin' {it was never thanksgivin-g on my mission...always thanksgivin'} i still can hear it in my head. love it!

with will being only a few weeks old, we stayed home and only ventured out for thanksgiving day at my folk's house. we were joined with my parents, anna, spence and nate, becky & boys. thanks to becky for taking sweet newborn pics of will {another post...man, i'm behind} and even some family ones!

here's a few highlights.

mabel after her school feast. at first i thought she was an indian, but nope, she's a turkey!

making the traditional apple turkeys.

this year's "thank you for" tree. each day, at dinner, we each say something that we are grateful for that day. then we write it on a leaf and it goes on the tree.

we had a moment of remembering a year before when we had our flood. we debated turning off the water thanksgiving night, but we laughed and said there's no way that could possible happen twice! right?!? {knock on wood}

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