
a summer of baseball.

it seems like all summer we've been to baseball practices, games and back. it was so much fun for connor and the boys. so precious to see little boys so passionate about baseball! needless to say, they finished the all-star season undefeated, farmington invitational champs and state champs! connor played most the season as the second baseman. he loved playing, getting to know new teammates, being in the parade {one of his favorite parts of all-stars}, and continues to love to slide whenever he can.

with his best bud, briggs.

state champs!

at the parade, ready to throw candy.

post-game treat. don't you love the glove in the back pocket.

sliding while coming in between innings.

practicing before one of the games.

this one cracks me up. check out their faces. after the game is over, all the players run the bases. usually turns into a dog pile at home cause everyone wants to slide.

waiting patiently in line for their trophies!

best coaches ever. thanks to them for all their time and hard work.

cory teaching connor about how the pros don't step on the white lines cause it's bad luck.

state champs!!

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