
photos of the mess.

here are a few pics.

the ceiling that collapsed sometime in the night.

the carpet trying to dry out with our food storage underneath. 

the early stages of trying to suck up all the water.
during the dry-out demo.

also during the dry-out process. 

we pulled the carpet in the entryway and dried it in the garage along with all the wet toys.

the pile the dryout crew disposed of.


kitchen again.

our ducts were filled with gallons of water.

after we got the okay to trash the carpet. we had fans and dehumidifiers going all over the house.

the carpet was wet all the way the the green chairs and then down the hall.

this was our kitchen/dining/family/play room.  we had tarps all over to help contain the heat and humidity.

downstairs a few weeks later.  drywall replaced, mudded and taped. we added a fireplace, recessed lighting and wired for future surround sound.

more pictures to come.  our list keeps getting smaller.  upstairs is done, downstairs we need to nail baseboards in, prep fireplace for rock, have built-ins installed, rock fireplace and then we'll be ready for carpet.  we're very close to finishing...hopefully in the next 2 weeks!  then on to the outside and recovering from the wind storm.  

at first i didn't want to write about this mess again, but i think it's good therapy for me.  it's helping me see how far we've come.  it has been a looong haul, but we've come a long way.

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