
off to the races.

well it's official. our elsie has begun to walk on her own. gotta say, i was so excited for her to finally do it, but now that it's come...have to be honest, i'm kinda sad. :( but, i have to add that she is a very cute walker! we are so glad that we didn't push her to walk faster than she wanted. 14 1/2 months has gone way too fast!

i never posted her 12 months stats.  really her appt was when she was almost 14 months.  but what can you do!?!  here they are...

21 lbs 10 oz (50%)
30 1/2" (80%)
18 1/4" (70%)
12 teeth.  4 molars came in within a few weeks of each other...brutal.

1 comment:

  1. Why don't they ask our permission before deciding to be all grown up? It just isn't fair but I suppose we would feel sad if they never did. She is just beautiful!
