
soccer kids.

well we've finished up our fall soccer season.  have to admit, we're kind of excited about it!  soccer every tues, wed, and thurs night wore us out!  it was sure fun though!  the kids had fun and loved having cory for both of their coaches.  he did a great job.  i have a new found respect for coaches.  i had to sub for cory one night for mabel's game while he and connor headed down to the utah game and i've got to hand it to him...coaching is not an easy job!  i was hoarse and worn out by the end of the game.  lucky for me and probably the players i only had to sub once.  i took my job very seriously and even wore the coach's jersey.  i also was lucky enough to sub on the pictures night so mabel and i were in team pictures together!  

here are some of the highlights from the season.  

thanks to all those who came to support the kids.  they always loved having their own personal cheering section!

had to put those last two pics in.  cute boy always has his tongue going somewhere!

cute elsie was their #1 fan.

mabel showing her excitement at the 15 practice before the game.  i was sad that the goal is in focus and not her, but still you get the idea.  the practice before the game is when she usually brought her game.  during the actual game she was not interested at all in playing.

everyone's favorite: trying to give jumping high-5's.

elsie loved to wonder around during the games.  she usually made it onto the field at least every game.

cute brigham taking pictures of connor's corner kick.

just chillin during the game.  she did finally go in.

this is the usual stance.  mabel holding cory's hand.

cute abbs came to one of mabel's game.


woot woot!

gotta give a shout out for our boys.
go utes!!

cory and connor just before heading down to the first game of the season.  they both had the best time ever!!


going down hard.

on my morning jog last saturday, i rolled my ankle and tumbled to the ground, scraping both my hands, and knees.  gotta say, i must've looked pretty coordinated!  i'm usually pretty good about looking at the road and what's on the road while i'm running {ever since my last fall years ago}, but i must've landed on some bark causing my ankle to roll.  

i pretty much knew right away that something was wrong with my ankle.  thanks to mom & dad, we dropped the kids off and headed over to the insta-care for an x-ray.  if you look on the right side you'll see little pieces of bone.  the doctor called it an avulsion fracture {where the tendons are stretched so much that they pull off pieces of the bone.}  i'm going to see a sports med orthopedist tomorrow and we'll see what the final verdict is.

i have learned several things from this experience...

...always carry a phone with you while running...
{thankfully i had cory's phone for the music and mileage tracker.  so after i tumbled, i sat myself down on the curb and waited for him to come get me.  it was a good thing, cause i was 2 miles from home.}

...i'm grateful it's my left foot and not my right...
{i can still drive}

...be careful what you tell the kids...
{mabel thought my foot had broken off!  
poor kids were so worried.}

...sometimes you just need to slow down...
{preferably by choice not by force}

i'm sure the list will continue to grow.  i've been overwhelmed by the kindness and thoughtfulness of others.  

connor's take on my injury...he told his primary teacher that his mama broke her foot and all she does is lay on the couch and watch tennis!  funny boy.  but, it's true.  i did lay on the couch all weekend and watch lots of us open tennis {thanks to the rain delays from earlier in the week}.


pink for preschool

mabel had her first day of preschool today. finally. she's been waiting and waiting for it to start. she was so excited last night and this morning. last night we painted her finger and toe nails the perfect shade of pink. we also planned her outfit. she was totally into it. such a girl-y girl.

we went out to wait for connor's bus in the wind and then it was finally her turn. she was not nervous at all and went right in. after school her teachers said that all they need is 30 more kids just like mabel. she did so well and was very excited to come home and tell us all about her day.

just outside the school. still windy.

we managed to get a few shots without too much of the windblown look.

the two of them waiting for connor's bus.

connor was just as excited for mabel as mabel was. we stopped by his class after picking mabel up and he couldn't stop asking her how her day was! he's such a good big bro!


off to the races.

well it's official. our elsie has begun to walk on her own. gotta say, i was so excited for her to finally do it, but now that it's come...have to be honest, i'm kinda sad. :( but, i have to add that she is a very cute walker! we are so glad that we didn't push her to walk faster than she wanted. 14 1/2 months has gone way too fast!

i never posted her 12 months stats.  really her appt was when she was almost 14 months.  but what can you do!?!  here they are...

21 lbs 10 oz (50%)
30 1/2" (80%)
18 1/4" (70%)
12 teeth.  4 molars came in within a few weeks of each other...brutal.


end of summer. {sigh}.

for labor day, we went up to bear lake for the day. we were planning on spending the holiday at home, but jumped at the chance to spend one more day on the water. we had a great time with cory's fam boating and playing on the beach. it was incredible how high the water still is! we even got connor up on the knee board {with cory literally bouncing behind}. despite the cloudy weather, we had a great time!

here's a few shots of our fun!