this year we had our annual packer 4th of july reunion. we headed up to the heber valley girls camp and enjoyed 2 days there. we went to the lake and canoed, did one of the challenge courses (the huge swing), hiked a little, enjoyed good food, rode "concho", ate lots of ice cream, roasted s'mores and loved spending time together!
cory enjoying the swing.
i was the first to go on the swing. it was probably a good thing, cause i don't know if i would have done it after watching someone else do it! it was pretty high but super fun!
mabel was not so impressed.
connor was pretty timid at first, but at the end let go of his hands and superman'd it.

our favorite uncle spencer rebuilt this horse. he painted it, named & branded it just like his son, my cousin, will's horse. will passed away just over a year ago. it was very touching. all the kids at the reunion l-o-v-e-d it. i think concho rode from the time he was setup until after 10pm, and he started early the next morning about 6am and rode till he was packed back up in the truck to go home. super fun!
elsie loved riding "concho".

after our canoe ride on the lake at heber valley girl's camp.
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