
playing catch up

our last month has been pretty crazy!
here's a rundown of some of the events...


trip to mesquite for kids
trip to az for cory & heidi

connor's soccer
& t-ball

heidi's hospital stay
& bedrest begins

mabel moves to a big girl bed
& first official haircut!

and here's some pics to catch us all up...

after his preschool easter egg hunt

at a ghost town in az
don't you just love those shots you take holding the camera out in front of you!?!

she's pretty tiny in that big bed of hers...

this is the best shot i have to show off mabel's new bob

sadly, no shots of their easter clothes yet...this will have to do for now

1 comment:

  1. You have had a month! I hope all is well now..... did I catch that you are expecting? or is bedrest or normal thing for you ;).

    You have a beautiful family!
