
let summertime begin!

Connor has been finished with preschool for a week now
and we are enjoying all the free time!

Here are some pics from the morning he had his preschool program.

{Connor and his wonderful teachers Ms. Chris and Ms. Ann}

I thought about this picture from the first day of school
He looks so young and nervous!
He has grown so much in the school year!


monkey business

Ooo ooo has been Connor's favorite stuffed animal.
He comes with us most everywhere.

Mabel's been quite jealous of Ooo ooo for some time now,
but we couldn't ever find a monkey cute enough.

So when Anna showed up with the monkey on the left
for our new little baby sissy,
Mabel tried to adopt it right away.

So that is how we ended up with the monkey on the right.
We ordered it online and had to wait patiently
for the big truck to bring it to our house.

Amazingly...it arrived in 3 days!


a baseball boy

We have found that Connor loves baseball.
Any chance he gets, he asks to go outside with Cory to play.
He's even inherited Cory's old baseball bag.
(I need to get a photo of him carrying the bag that's bigger than him)

I've missed 2 of his games because of being the bed rest,
but I did sneak out to his game last Saturday.

Let's just say I was a proud mama.


playing catch up

our last month has been pretty crazy!
here's a rundown of some of the events...


trip to mesquite for kids
trip to az for cory & heidi

connor's soccer
& t-ball

heidi's hospital stay
& bedrest begins

mabel moves to a big girl bed
& first official haircut!

and here's some pics to catch us all up...

after his preschool easter egg hunt

at a ghost town in az
don't you just love those shots you take holding the camera out in front of you!?!

she's pretty tiny in that big bed of hers...

this is the best shot i have to show off mabel's new bob

sadly, no shots of their easter clothes yet...this will have to do for now