
miss else.

our sweet elsie turned four last week. she brings such a joy and life to our home. she is our free spirit who loves life, wearing pajamas, her buggy blankies, yellow, polka dots, having her hair down, the zoo, playing with her sissy and ruff housing with her bros.  

for her fourth birthday celebration she requested we go to javier's for dinner so she could order her favorite, rice & beans. she even was spoiled with a birthday song and fried ice cream. thursday we went to the zoo with cousins, a few days before the big day because of baseball games. luckily we were watching 4 cousins for a few days and so that made elsie's bday even more special. we got to see the new safari park at the zoo. and...best part of elsie's birthday zoo trip was the train is working again!! wahoo! 

on her birthday she requested blueberry muffins for breakfast, which she doesn't really eat, just the sugared muffin top, mini corn dogs for lunch, and waffles for dinner. we went to 2 baseball games that connor said he won for elsie. after dinner we had water world with cousins. she requested an umizoomi cake, which we accomplished by printing off umizoomi pinwheels and putting them on top of the cake. i made her favorite, carrot cake, which is almost all of the siblings cake of choice. 

for presents she got a suitcase, 2 new buggy blankies and a skirt. she was also spoiled with presents from grandmas & grandpas, aunts & uncles and cousins. it was a great day indeed. 

elsie, we sure do love you!

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