
our brown-eyed birthday girl.

our beautiful mabel turned 6 yesterday. crazy to believe that my baby girl is now 6!! she's so grown up and the best helper and many times seems older than 6. she is such a great sister and friend to everyone around her. she loves meeting new friends. everywhere we go, she meets someone new. the park, baseball games, school, wherever. she is so very smart. she's improved so much on reading this year and loves to read to others. mabel is a great organizer and helper around the house. many times she's the first one done with her jobs and helps the others with theirs. and sometimes she surprises us with making our bed or connor or elsie's bed. we love our miss mae!

she asked to have a friend party this year, and since i put it off last year and told her this year would be the year, i had to agree. it was so very fun to plan though and was a fun princess party with the cutest princesses ever! mabel just wanted to play games and that was easy enough to plan. so we played pin the crown on the princess, musical thrones, princess bingo, opened presents, and had a treasure hunt that led to cake and ice cream. very fun indeed.

the invites. attached to a pink polkadot balloon.

off to deliver the invites.

the birthday girl with her princess cake.

the spread.

playing musical thrones to "let it go". 
cutest girls belting out all the words with hand actions and all.

a group shot of all the princesses with their must have princess crowns/party hats.

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