
christmas 2014.

well, we had a wonderful christmas, filled with excitement, family, new presents, good food and fun! the kids were up about 6:30 and we held them off for 15 min or so and then went down to see the loot! the kids were very pleased with their presents. nothing better than kids on christmas morning!! we enjoyed the morning at our house and then went to celebrate with family. 

we are so grateful for our Savior and for his birth.  He is truly the reason for the season.  we are also so grateful for our wonderful family and friends.  what a blessing you are to our lives.  

merry christmas 2013!!

mabel with her beloved american girl doll 
{mine when i was young}

elsie with 2 of her favorite presents 
{her own umbrella and hat & glove set}

connor asked for a "surprise" from santa...
...let me just tell you, santa delivered!!!

will was just content to be wherever and do whatever.  
we sure love this sweet boy!

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