
it's official. will is one!

wow. can't believe a year has flown by. my baby is one!! i keep thinking to myself, how did this happen?!? anyways, he's still as precious as can be. he is full of energy, always on the move and loves to play with connor and the girls. it's been a month already since his birthday and he's a walking machine. he walks everywhere and i love, love to see his little body walking about. he has 4 teeth. 2 on top and 2 on bottom. he loves, loves people food. loves to drink chalk. he makes the cutest dolphin sounds. we're pretty sure he's gonna be a talker. so far his word tally is, mom, dad, ball and hat.

our birthday boy willem.

failed monster cake...covered that baby in sprinkles...

playing with the loot. tubby toys, mr potato head, 
and his very own rc car! {connor was suuuuper excited about that one}

pizza for dinner. mabel's choice for will.

he loved his cake. we noticed that he is a very neat cake eater. 
ate lots of it, but didn't have a lot everywhere else. 
made for a quick cleanup though!!

love how he crosses his ankles when he eats.

happy birthday {a month ago} my sweet boy!

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