
first day of school for else.

it's hard to believe that elsie is on her way to her first year of preschool! where has the time gone?!? she is totally ready and suuuper excited. all her life she's dropped off a sibling there and now her time has come! she's been so excited to have ms. chris, ms. ann and ms. karina as her teachers. she's also excited to have mabel be in the next classroom over. i feel so blessed that my kids had been able to have preschool in the elementary where the other kids are. she goes 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours. she absolutely l.o.v.e.s. it! she has a little class of 3 year olds, only 9 in her class. only 3 girls including else. there were only 2 until another little girl came today. so we're pretty excited about that! there aren't any little girls her age in the neighborhood, so we're loving her this time with other cute girlies.

the sun was bright, but look at that cute little face!

this is totally elsie lately. 
i ask her to look at the camera for a pic 
and this is what she does. almost always... stinker.

1 comment:

  1. She's getting so big, and has realized its okay to be bigger! No more corrections saying 'No, I little' ;)
