
our big "yittle" girl.

our sweet elsie potty-trained herself last weekend!! 
{yay} {hallelujah} {wahoo} 

as she is the third child, we {cory & i} were trying to be patient and not force it {we learned with the previous two that this, potty-training, is one of those things that you really can't force without a lot of frustration} ...but she turns three this month & preschool in the fall and so we were kinda antsy to get things going! that and changing two kids' diapers throughout the day is the pits! so we had talked about it for the past couple of months, and she'd humor us every once in a while and sit on the toilet, but she wasn't ready to fully commit. when we would ask her if she wanted to be a big girl, she'd tell us "no, my yittle."

but...last thursday was the day! she was finally ready. can't say that we haven't had any accidents...only three to be exact...but she has done amazingly well! even through the night, she refuses to wear anything but unders. she is one cute, determined girl!!

we love you sweet else!

and thank you for making 
our lives just a little bit less stinky easier! :)

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