
sweet mae mae.

our sweet mabel turned 5 years old a few weeks ago. oh how fast the time has gone. some days seem long but the months and years seem to fly by. mabel is an incredible help to me at home. she loves to clean and organize. she loves to hold baby will. she loves to play with elsie. she loves to play with connor too. she loves going to preschool and can't wait until fall when she can finally ride the BUS! oh she's been waiting a long time for that! 

she is very talented at dancing and tumbling. she loves her tap and ballet class. her favorite though is her tumbling class. she loves to practice and i am very fortunate she gives me tumbling shows while i feed will.

she loves to sing and i love being in primary with her. what a sweet girl she is! oh how we love our mae mae!

one of mabel's birthday wishes was to go to the zoo. luckily it was early out week for connor and cory got off midday and so we ventured off to see the animals. it was such a fun day and the zoo made it even more fun! her other birthday wishes were to have homemade cheese pizzas for dinner with orange jello. and then for dessert she requested chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting and white sprinkles on top.

happy birthday sweet girl!

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