
my lunch buddy.

thursday night connor asked if i could come to lunch with him the next day. i asked him if little brothers and sisters can come too. he said usually its just the mamas. i told him probably not tomorrow, we'd have to plan a day to do it when i can find a baby sitter. i could tell he was disappointed, but i didn't know what else to do on short notice. he didn't mention it in the morning, i hoped he was good and had forgotten that i couldn't come that day. cory called mid-morning saying that he could come home a little early {he only works half-days on fridays} and that i should go and surprise connor at lunch. so that's what i did. i stopped by and picked up a sandwich and cookies to share and met him at the cafeteria door, just as his class was heading for lunch. his smile was so precious. he has this shy smile he does when he's excited. it was such a treat for me. we talked, ate, and traded treats with his friends. so precious! then he asked me to stay for recess. of course! it was such a treat and gave me a little window into his "world" at school.

who needs to sliding handle when you can just climb across the top?!?

thanks for my lunch date bud, it was just what i needed. love you.

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