
fun in the sun.

a week or so ago we snuck down south for almost a week. can i just tell you how nice it was to see the sun! it's amazing how good it felt for everyone! we went down with russ and liz and kids. it was so fun to see oma & opa clark and gramps too! this was the first time will has met his oma and opa. they had a good visit getting to know each other as you'll see by the pics. the photos came up in a random order, i'm not gonna fix that cause, lets be honest, i'm being lazy. but...at least i made a post to remember all the great fun we had!

beautiful view of wolf creek golf course.

where we spent hours having fun.

out to lunch with oma and opa in st george.

the older kids before we ventured off to hunt for golfballs.


shopping in vegas. 
seriously, what were we thinking shopping with 8 kids, 8 and under?!?

the littles sleeping at the park.

boys playing baseball. 

girls being awesome cheerleaders and tumbling queens.

such cuties!

oma meets will.

doing just dance on the kinect. this was so fun and so entertaining! for everyone! there may or may not be a video of all the adults doing it at once. i still need to get a copy. pretty sure it's hilarious!

poor else got her hair stuck in thomas the train.

will and gramps.

all in all, it was a super fun trip!! though it was pretty depressing to come back to the grey skies again. i keep telling myself, "just think spring!" yes. i'm ready. please come. soon.

1 comment:

  1. Its very fun to see glimpses into your Mesquite trip! Looks like loads of fun. I love the picture of Elsie while her hair is getting untangled from Thomas the train! Not a fun thing to happen, but Elsie has the cutest facial expressions and that one is no exception. Thanks for sharing!!
