
august by instagram.

it's been a great summer, filled with lots of fun adventures. we're all looking forward to starting school and getting back into a routine. here's what our day to day in august looked like...

cute else in the tub.

@ famington lake on daddy's bday.

out slip 'n slidin at 8 in the mornin.

cory & connor on their ski jump lessons.

sunday naps are the best.

connor hard at work at home depot.

bountiful summerfest.

connor's dinosaur/lizard he hatched from an egg.

these two nap so well together on sunday.

@ thanksgiving point.

backyard camping.

homemade peach ice cream.

davis county fair.

brigham city temple.

a moth cory and i saw while strolling up old main in park city.

who doesn't love the rodeo?!?

mabel's new hair critters for school.

water world.

picnic lunch in the front yard.

ice cream with cousins @ gma packers.

it took us all summer, but we finally got out on the boat.

bampa love.

this fly would not leave mabel alone while she was napping! poor girl just wanted to sleep!

connor finally got a ball!

when your mouth hits a dresser drawer knob. 
thank goodness it wasn't sharp!

game night while cory's @ YM's.

go utes! woot woot!

girls night out while boys are at the game.

connor's homemade golf ball race track.

crazy summer rain/thunder storm.

labor day @ the pool.

this isn't just a doggy door!

nerf gun fort.

ready to ride bikes to the pool.

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