
a birthday drive, hike and swim

for cory's birthday, we were lucky he had the day off work, so we decided to go on drive across the mountain from bountiful to farmington. it was a fun drive - much better than farmington canyon. that scares the pants off me. we ended up at farmington lake. who knew farmington had a lake?!? we saw a mama moose and her baby, skipped rocks in the lake and explored a bit. 

after we made it home, we had steak fajitas per cory's request, had ice cream sandwiches for his cake and then went swimming. it was a pretty fun day!

making birthday balloons for daddy. this was the first time we've done this and the kids loved it! they drew all over the balloons, the only drawback is you can't save them. we got detailed pics though.

view from one of our stops along the way.

exploring around the lake as far as we could go without spooking the mama moose.

farmington lake.

mabel's first jump off the diving board this year.

mabel couldn't wait to show cory the card she made him. had to show him the night before his bday.

birthday breakfast - cinnamon rolls.

hiking up bountiful peak.

the fam at the top.

mabel found this bug at the lake that we thought gpa packer should make fly fishing flies like it.

fajita dinner.

the pics are out of order. i'm just too lazy to fix them...

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