
a summer of baseball.

it seems like all summer we've been to baseball practices, games and back. it was so much fun for connor and the boys. so precious to see little boys so passionate about baseball! needless to say, they finished the all-star season undefeated, farmington invitational champs and state champs! connor played most the season as the second baseman. he loved playing, getting to know new teammates, being in the parade {one of his favorite parts of all-stars}, and continues to love to slide whenever he can.

with his best bud, briggs.

state champs!

at the parade, ready to throw candy.

post-game treat. don't you love the glove in the back pocket.

sliding while coming in between innings.

practicing before one of the games.

this one cracks me up. check out their faces. after the game is over, all the players run the bases. usually turns into a dog pile at home cause everyone wants to slide.

waiting patiently in line for their trophies!

best coaches ever. thanks to them for all their time and hard work.

cory teaching connor about how the pros don't step on the white lines cause it's bad luck.

state champs!!

a packer 4th.

packer 4th of july is one of my favorite times of year. i have many many memories of years past. as long as i can remember living in ut, we've gone. over the years our numbers have grown exponentially.  this year someone counted and to that date, the bkp family had 198 descendants! with at least 6 more on the way. that's pretty incredible. i think this year we had about a 100 there.

what started out as sleeping over in grandpa's backyard, in a tent or under the stars, playing in the sandbox, having army wars, decorating our bikes and riding them in the parade around the circle, having a yummy dutch oven lunch, picking raspberries, visiting the pond, and just exploring; has grown to quite the production. this year mom & dad were in charge and we realized first hand how much work goes into something like that. they did a great job and it was definitely a success! thanks again!

the kids enjoyed a giant sandbox, launching rockets, waving flags in the parade around uncle dave's circle, riding concho, sliding down a giant slip 'n slide, checking out the peacocks and chickens, limitless ice cream cones, a zipline through the forest, and lots of yummy food.

elsie on the sandpile, connor & carson in the background.

getting ready for the parade.

yummy ice cream.

eating our yummy box lunches.

connor got pretty good at the slide.

connor on the zipline.

cory even joined in.

this one cracked me up. mabel, cleaning herself off.

elsie taking a nap in the shade.

riding concho.

to say mabel was hesitant to go down the slide is an understatement. she pretty much refused. but thanks to kate, mabel finally warmed up to the idea, went down and decided it was one of the funnest things ever! {thanks kate!}


june - instagram style.

one of my favorite features on my new phone is the camera for sure. and one of the apps i use the most is instagram. it's been so fun to take a picture a day to remember what we've been up to. so here's little of our day to day stuff we've done.

connor and his farmington shetland champs medal.

checking out city creek after the wedding.

mabel made a cute sailboat out of a leaf and flower.
designed and made all by herself.

connor's sailboat. couldn't be outdone by mabel.

my sunday leg massage. 
lotion + blow on it + comb scrub + blankie rub.

connor after his first day of tennis lessons.

tending baby brynlee. she's so precious.

highlights from the packer 4th. more pics to come.

we held out strong at our ultrasound. 
baby boy or girl, we will see come november!

playing in the puddles after our much needed rain.

date with my boy.

another tennis day.

a day at the hill air force museum. 

when you are as cute as this girl, 
you get a ball from one of the players in the first inning.

fireworks after cory and my date night at the bee's game.

sunday naps all around. complete bliss.