
elsie's birthday celebration.

elsie has had about a week of birthday celebrations.  connor had a baseball game on her birthday so we did her birthday dinner of tortellinis and rushed off to the game.  after the game we celebrated a bit with some orange leaf ice cream & friends.  then the next day we celebrated with her birthday cake after dinner.  she was pretty cute about having her own cake but was a little unsure about blowing out the candles.  

so that brings us to last night when we had a family party for her.  we started off the night by swimming, one of elsie's favorite activities.  then we came home and had an ice cream bar for dessert and opened presents.  thank you to all who came and helped make her birthday special! 

elsie and her sweet new cousin, baby brynlee.

all the cousins, minus brynlee, bennett, & ry guy (we missed you two boys!)

she liked blowing these ones much better.  
maybe she was just all practiced up to perform for a crowd.

lots of sugar made for a fun night!

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