

easter came early for me this year.  the kids enjoyed the annual hoa egg hunt at the park.  it was pure madness!  mabel and elsie definitely made out better than connor, thanks to the roped off "little kid" area.  mabel was very sweet and shared her loot with connor.  elsie was really into this year and loved finding treats, it was so fun!  

waiting patiently, ready to hunt.

after the hoa hunt.

elsie wearing mabel's super spy easter glasses she made at preschool.

the easter bunny brought swimsuits along with a few dolls, pencil sharpeners, candy and cars 2 cars.

trying to get an shot of the easter clothes was near impossible this year.  this is what we got...

elsie's smile cracks me up.  she pulls funny faces when you ask her to smile.

i love this one.  elsie's face is so cute and i love how she's holding on the mabel's skirt.  these skirts are doing double duty this year...easter skirts and skirts for kayla and bryce's june wedding!!

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