
a mesquite birthday.

connor celebrated his 6th birthday this weekend in mesquite.  we had a great time being with family, flying helicopters, watching cousin ben play soccer {go forza gold!}, driving go karts, playing mini-golf and arcades, and having a tower of homemade oreos "bigger than spencer's!"

a week earlier connor and his best bud briggs had a combined friend birthday party at the local trampoline place.  it was way too much fun!!

connor even got birthday balloons and streamers in mesquite. 

that's how they hold up 6 fingers in taiwan.

the mighty helicopter {one of his favorite and most hoped for gifts}.

celebrating in between soccer games at fiesta fun.

the whole crew, minus papa dave, who's got the camera.

the oreo tower. 

driving the trucks while hunting golf balls. 

poor else got a bad cold halfway through the trip.  she was pretty miserable bless her heart.

we love you birthday boy, conna-man!

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