
going down hard.

on my morning jog last saturday, i rolled my ankle and tumbled to the ground, scraping both my hands, and knees.  gotta say, i must've looked pretty coordinated!  i'm usually pretty good about looking at the road and what's on the road while i'm running {ever since my last fall years ago}, but i must've landed on some bark causing my ankle to roll.  

i pretty much knew right away that something was wrong with my ankle.  thanks to mom & dad, we dropped the kids off and headed over to the insta-care for an x-ray.  if you look on the right side you'll see little pieces of bone.  the doctor called it an avulsion fracture {where the tendons are stretched so much that they pull off pieces of the bone.}  i'm going to see a sports med orthopedist tomorrow and we'll see what the final verdict is.

i have learned several things from this experience...

...always carry a phone with you while running...
{thankfully i had cory's phone for the music and mileage tracker.  so after i tumbled, i sat myself down on the curb and waited for him to come get me.  it was a good thing, cause i was 2 miles from home.}

...i'm grateful it's my left foot and not my right...
{i can still drive}

...be careful what you tell the kids...
{mabel thought my foot had broken off!  
poor kids were so worried.}

...sometimes you just need to slow down...
{preferably by choice not by force}

i'm sure the list will continue to grow.  i've been overwhelmed by the kindness and thoughtfulness of others.  

connor's take on my injury...he told his primary teacher that his mama broke her foot and all she does is lay on the couch and watch tennis!  funny boy.  but, it's true.  i did lay on the couch all weekend and watch lots of us open tennis {thanks to the rain delays from earlier in the week}.

1 comment:

  1. Yuck! I hope it is a speedy recovery for you. I probably should start running with a phone.... :)
