
a butterfly birthday.

our mabel is now 3!

yesterday we had such a fun day celebrating
at the discovery kids museum @ the gateway.

we also joined up with anna, kate & abby
for waffles @ the yummiest waffle place, bruges.
try the waffle monster. it's delicious.

later we celebrated again with her birthday bud, anna
and ate cake, ice cream & strawberries. yummy.

and, today, mabel invited her 4 girl cousins
over for a butterfly tea.
we had tons of fun doing girly things
{nail painting, tutus, stick-on earrings, and butterfly eyes}
and eating girly things
{butterfly pb&j's, raspberries, strawberries,
butterfly cheeses and flower meats}.

with butterflies everywhere,
it was quite magical.

waiting for her guests to arrive.

mabel's birthday crown.

the whole crew.

and elsie woke up just in time for a family photo.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi,
    You are the cutest mom ever! Mabel's party is adorable. It looks so cute I want to come. You are always doing the best things with your kids.I hope you are doing well.
