
i remember when...

i came across this today
and thought back about when we had the "incident".
for those who don't know or remember,
when connor was 2 he swallowed a screw in mesquite, nv.
we hadn't even been there for 2 hours and we ended up in the hospital!

thankfully, all ended well.
funny boy.

i often wonder what my kids are thinking,
especially when they do things like this!

or like 2 weeks ago when mabel
shoved pieces of baby wipes up her nose?!?

again, thankfully, all ended well
thanks to a long pair of tweezers.


my turn

this last week, we've had what we like to call

heidi's birthday
celebrating the last of the 29's and the first of the 30's

this year cory has outdone himself
by planning a daily adventure for me and the kids.

we have:

gone out for ice cream {subzero, the kids loved the liquid nitrogen smoke}
spent a day at cherry hill with cousins {thanks kate & abby}
rode ponies and fed pigs
watched a movie on the house {sandlot of course}
walked a nature trail on a bird refuge
roasted hot dogs and s'mores up a canyon
visited the copper mine {never gone before and so cool!}
gone out for lunches
gone bday shopping for a ring {thanks connor, mabel & elsie!}

thanks babe! for making me feel so special
and bringing me back to reality {3 kids has kinda thrown me for a loop}

the big 3-0

we've had some big birthday's lately.

this is a little late, but
here is my birthday boy.

happy birthday babe!


the world through his eyes

connor loves to take pictures with the camera.
many end up shots of feet, the ground, the clouds or the ceiling.

but they are all precious to me
because it's his view of the world!