
More fun

Three cheers for Heidi! 2 days in a row!

After writing to Spence this morning I remembered a few more things
that we did this summer that were some of Connor's favorites...

shot squirt guns
jumped off the diving board for the first time {Connor}
made forts
roasted marshmallows
slept in a tent
went plasma-car-ing
swung on swings
read books
stayed up late
made sand castles

Aren't we the funnest!


Summer Fun

Soooo, apparently I'm not the greatest blogger...I like to follow them, I'm just not that great at doing one myself. Oh well, what can you do? Now I feel like I have to learn how to post something all over again...yeah.

Enough about that, I do want to be better so I can remember all the fun things that we do!

{For example} this summer we have:

gone swimming
had piggie-tails for the first time {Mabel, sorry Connor!}
gone golfing
spent a weekend in Bear Lake
gone boating
visited hot Mesquite and grandparents down south
gone on hikes
had picnics
played soccer
went to 2 parades
rode bikes
watched the Bellagio fountains
had swimming lessons
ate birthday cake
watched lots of fireworks
set off fireworks
rode a zip-line {Cory, Heidi, AND Connor}
played baseball
gone to a baseball game
gone canoeing
had 2 bdays
had lots of bbq's
picked fresh veggies from our garden
gone to the zoo
watched a home-run derby
played with friends and cousins
blew bubbles
played with grandmas & grandpas
mowed the lawn
weeded the flowers and garden
played tennis
ate lots of popsicles
just to name a few...

{It's been a pretty good summer...}

more pics of the summer fun to come...I promise!