**warning** picture overload (proud mama)

well, the kitchen is now clean and i'm sitting at the computer thinking about this sweet boy that i just sent off on the bus. it was a LOT harder than i thought it was going to be. i've been so excited for him the last few weeks, then going to his meet-the-teacher last monday started me really thinking that this is really going to happen. this is my reality, my little boy is going to kindergarten!
last night i had a bit of a meltdown. to make me feel better, i finally went and laid next to connor in bed. we talked for a little while about how excited he was for school. he told me how excited he is to go. he's excited to ride the bus. he's excited to see what the inside of the bus looks like. he's excited to go out for recess. he's excited to play in the field for recess (at preschool, they only played on the playground). he's excited to learn a lot. he's excited to make new friends. we talked about being nice to everyone and listening to his teacher. after we talked for a while, i watched him fall asleep. i love lying in bed and talking with that little/big boy. he is my bud. what a sweetheart he is. he has the most tender heart. it's hard to think that every morning he'll be in school, but oh, how i'm so excited for him! he'll do so well.
you'll have to humor me with how many pictures i took and posted. i was pretty emotional and thought every picture had to be shown!

connor was super excited that he was first in line at the bus stop. it does help that the bus stop is on our driveway...i know, we are lucky! i don't think i have ever seen him so excited!! he looked so small and yet so big as he got on the bus. ben was so precious with him, he talked to him the whole time at the bus stop and then sat with him on the bus. thank you ben for sitting with connor and being such a great cousin!!!

just think...next week and it will just be me and elsie for 2 mornings a week. it's hard to believe. mabel is just as excited as connor was. she even had to put some of her new school clothes on! she has to wait until the 8th for her first day of preschool! it can't come fast enough for her!

elsie was precious and sat on the step clapping for connor and mabel! please excuse the naked body...brooke was a little disturbed seeing her sans clothes.